Ovarian Cystectomy Surgery In Mumbai

In the female reproductive system, ovaries play a major role in producing eggs (ova) and s-e-x hormones. Normally, the ovary is partially a cystic structure by nature.

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs of varying sizes that may develop in or on the ovaries. They may often develop as a result of the disordered release of eggs every month (ovulation) wherein the ovarian follicles are not able to release the oocyte. However, it is normal for the development of functional ovarian cysts (mostly non-cancerous) in women having regular periods. These cysts may resolve on their own without treatment (usually shrink in about 1-3 months) and are less common to occur after menopause. If they are found after menopause, then the person is at higher risk of developing ovarian cancer. For removal of multiple ovarian cysts or those that are bigger in size, ovarian cystectomy- a surgery to remove cysts may be recommended.

What are the symptoms of ovarian cyst?

  • A dull or sharp abdominal pain usually on one side.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Constipation.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Bloating.
  • The satiated feeling after eating a small amount of food.

Anyone experiencing these symptoms can consult Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, the ovarian cystectomy surgeon in Mumbai at Nanavati Superspeciality Hospital.

What can cause an ovarian cyst?

  • Hormonal fluctuations- including the hormone medications that help ovulation.
  • Endometriosis- A condition wherein the endometrial lining grows outside the uterus can lead to the formation of endometrioma (a type of ovarian cyst). This occurs when the endometrial tissue binds to the ovary and forms growth.
  • Early pregnancy- Ovarian cysts formed during this time are normal as they can support the pregnancy until the placenta forms.
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome- It is a disease wherein the ovaries begin to develop multiple small cysts which can later cause a problem in pregnancy.
  • Pelvic infections- The infection of the pelvic area can spread to the ovaries and lead to cysts formation.

What is ovarian cystectomy? How is it performed?

Ovarian Cystectomy surgery in Mumbai is available at Nanavati Superspeciality Hospital. It aims to remove single or multiple cysts from one or both ovaries without affecting the ovary and female fertility. There are two approaches to getting rid of ovarian cysts: Open surgery (laparotomy) and Laparoscopic surgery. In open surgery, a single large incision is made in the abdomen to gain access to the cyst and the surrounding tissues. This method is preferred for large or many cysts when there have been any complications at the time of laparoscopic surgery, or it looks suspicious in any way. These removed cysts can be further sent to a laboratory to test for ovarian cancer. If the cyst is found to be malignant, then the surgeon may remove the ovaries and even the fallopian tube, the other ovary, and uterus, thereby making the female sterile.

In minimally-invasive laparoscopic surgery in Mumbai at Nanavati Superspeciality Hospital, a few small cuts (one to four keyhole size-leaving 0.5-1 cm long scars) are made in the abdomen (near the navel) and a laparoscope (tiny tube fitted with a camera and special light at one end) is inserted to visualize the inside of the ovary on a monitor and cut out the cysts. This method is used when the cysts are small (like that of a plum or smaller) and appear to be benign on a sonogram.

Laparotomy provides the best view of the female pelvic and abdominal organs. Either of the two surgical approaches is performed under general anesthesia. After the removal of the cysts, the incisions are closed with dissolvable or removable stitches (taken out after 5-7 days of surgery), skin glue, or staplers. The dressing may be done and must be removed after 24 hours.

Why are ovarian cysts surgically removed?

Surgery is performed to confirm the diagnosis of an ovarian cyst, remove the cysts that are causing symptoms, and prevent the risk of having ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cystectomy may be an option for some people if:

  • Unusual masses or growths are found in both ovaries and can be visualized on the sonogram.
  • Ovarian cysts do not go away after several menstrual periods or become smaller in 2 to 3 months.
  • In the ultrasound report, the cyst is not found to be a simple functional one.
  • There is ovarian growth and the patient never had her menstrual periods (i.e. in young girl), has gone through menopause, is having birth control pills.
  • There are certain characteristics of the ovary which suggest ovarian cancer.

What to expect after the ovarian cystectomy?

After the surgical removal of the ovarian cyst, it is normal to expect some pain or discomfort in the lower tummy that may improve within a couple of days. There are also chances of experiencing slight vaginal bleeding for the first 24-48 hours, some pain in the shoulder. Pain or discomfort can be reduced by the use of painkillers as prescribed by the surgeon. Many women do not have their menses for 4-6 weeks after the surgery and when the periods return there may be more discomfort and heavy bleeding. It is recommended to not have sexual intercourse until the doctor provides permission, hence the patient must wait for full recovery from the inside out.

While the patient is in the recovery room of the hospital, the patient’s blood pressure, motions, and urinary output are monitored by the doctors and nurses. For the first 24 hours, the after-effects of anesthesia may be there which makes the patient sleepy. When it wears off, the patient can have sips of water, a cup of tea, and even a light meal before going home. After the removal of the dressing, the patient can take shower and bathe and keep their scars clean and dry for quick healing.

Depending upon the method used to surgically remove the ovarian cysts, the recovery of the patient varies. The cost of ovarian cyst surgery in Mumbai, Juhu at Nanavati Superspeciality Hospital depends on several factors like the type of surgery performed, doctor’s experience, patient’s age, and complexity of the procedure.

For individuals who have undergone laparoscopic surgery, an overnight hospital stay may be needed and they can get back to their normal daily activities the next day. However, strenuous exercise and physical activity must be avoided for about a week. After a laparotomy surgery, the patient's recovery would be lengthy. The patients would be asked to have a hospital stay of at least 2 to 4 days and resume normal activities in 4 to 6 weeks.

To know more about Ovarian Cyst Removal Surgery, consult Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, the best laparoscopic surgeon and gynaecologist in Mumbai, Juhu at Nanavati Superspeciality Hospital.

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